20+ Valentine's Day Poems for Girlfriend and Boyfriend

Valentine's day arrived now so love birds started flying on the Internet for best love poems for their loved ones,

So that you have landed on my page for those lovely poems that I'm going to provide you in this post.

If you're in a hurry for sending those 20+ valentines day poems for girlfriend and boyfriend to

your loved one then you can skip these lines 

History of Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day, also called Saint Valentine's Day or the Feast of Saint Valentine, is celebrated on February 14. Originating as a Western Christian feast day honoring one or two early saints named, Valentine's Day is recognized as a significant cultural, religious, and commercial celebration of romance and romantic love in many regions around the world.

you can read more about Valentine 's day here

Valentines Day Poems For Girlfriend 2020

Baby, when you hold me, my emotions makes it clear

Just how much you mean to me while we are laying here.

I listen to your heartbeat in rhythm with my own,

With every pound that warming sound keeps me safe with love, you've shown.

Baby, when you touch me with hands so soft but strong,

You wrap me in your warm embrace, just where I belong.

You hold me close and comfort me all throughout the night

Until you open up your eyes to the first signs of daylight.

Baby when you kiss me before you start your day,

The happiness you bring my heart, no words can ever say.

You make my life so beautiful, wonderful, and new.

You're my hopes and dreams. You're my everything; I'm so in love with you.

Happy Valentines Day My Love

It is not your conversation

That keeps me entertained

But rather the way you look at me

That makes me feel sustained

It's the curve of your lips

And the curl of your hair

It’s all of the little things

That makes me stop and stare

It is not your intelligence

That drew me close to you

It is not your sense of humor

That has thrown me all askew

It's the touch of your hand

And the thoughts in your head

It’s all of the little things

The things that don't get said

It's not your vivid history

That's made me fall in love

It's not your comprehension

Of the world or what's above

It is your soft temperament

And the way you smile at me

It’s all of the little things

That makes me want to see

It's not when we are talking

That I want to know some more

It is not whilst you teach me

I learn what I'm looking for

It is time we spend alone

And the time in utter silence

It’s all of the little things

That form a strong alliance

It's not the job you work so hard

That shows your true commitment

It's not your crazy habits

That gives me great fulfillment

It is the way you use your hands

And the way I have been chosen

It’s all of the little things

Why I know silence is golden


Let me take care of your broken heart

and show you how to fly.

Let me hold you gently by the hand

and kiss your tears goodbye.

Let me lead you to tomorrow's light

and out of needless rain,

'cause all I want right now

is to see you smile again.

Let me sing you all the songs I wrote

'til you sleep in my embrace,

and I'll keep you safe and warm until

the sunlight strokes your face.

Let me bring you up the mountain's peak,

and I'll let you touch the skies

to remind you of the strength I see

when I look into your eyes.

Let me kiss and show you what is love

and the happiness it brings.

You'll sail again like a butterfly

endowed with pretty wings.

Let me do all these to let you see

our fates are intertwined.

You're the accidental precious gem

I've waited long to find it.

The earth and sky conspired to make us meet.

They knew we both belong

to each other like words and lovely notes

give life to every song.

So fly with me, my beautiful one.

It's time we leave the past.

I'm yours to keep, and you are mine.

We're finally home at last.

Love You Always

How does Love speak?

In the faint flush upon the telltale cheek,

And in the pallor that succeeds it; by

The quivering lid of an averted eye--

The smile that proves the parent to a sigh

Thus doth Love speaks.

How does Love speak?

By the uneven heart-throbs, and the freak

Of bounding pulses that stand still and ache,

While new emotions, like strange barges, make

Along vein-channels their disturbing course;

Still as the dawn, and with the dawn's swift force--

Thus doth Love speaks.

How does Love speak?

In the avoidance of that which we seek--

The sudden silence and reserve when near--

The eye that glistens with an unshed tear--

The joy that seems the counterpart of fear,

As the alarmed heart leaps in the breast,

And knows, and names, and greets its godlike guest--

Thus doth Love speaks.

How does Love speak?

In the proud spirit suddenly grown meek--

The haughty heart has grown humble; in the tender

And unnamed light that floods the world with splendor;

In the resemblance which the fond eyes trace

In all fair things to one beloved face;

In the shy touch of hands that thrill and tremble;

In looks and lips that can no more dissemble--

Thus doth Love speaks.

How does Love speak?

In the wild words that uttered seem so weak

They shrink ashamed in silence; in the fire

Glance strikes with a glance, swift flashing high and higher,

Like flashes of lightning that precede the mighty storm;

In the deep, soulful stillness; in the warm,

An impassioned tide that sweeps through throbbing veins,

Between the shores of keen delights and pains;

In the embrace where madness melts in bliss,

And in the convulsive rapture of a kiss--

Thus doth Love speaks.

To love is to share life together,

to build special plans just for two,

to work side by side,

and then smile with pride,

as one by one, dreams all come true.

To love is to help and encourage

with smiles and sincere words of praise, to take time to share,

to listen and care

in tender, affectionate ways.

To love is to have someone special,

one on whom you can always depend

to be there through the years,

sharing laughter and tears,

as a partner, a lover, a friend.

To love is to make special memories

of moments you love to recall,

of all the good things

that sharing life brings.

Love is the greatest of all.

I've learned the full meaning

of sharing and caring

and having my dreams all come true;

I've learned the full meaning

of being in love by being and loving with you.

Why Valentine's Day is important?

For me, Valentine Day is the day to remember to value love and extend love to others, and not just your spouse, partner, or loved ones.

Love is one of the most powerful forces in life.

Unfortunately, in the process of a busy lifestyle, you may have buried love deep in our being.

You have barely scratched the surface to tap this awesome force.

Sadly, there are also some people who have never truly loved or loved enough.

Some have even consciously or unconsciously sabotaged themselves from loving and living a full life.

Our Creator has created you to have the gift of love.

It is already wired within you.

You are designed to be loving, compassionate and kind.

You need to reignite love and fulfill our Creator's calling for you.

The paradoxical truth is that the more you extend your love to others, the stronger will be your capacity and ability to love them.

You will have more love for yourself and more love to share with others.

Love is a healthy force that heals emotional wounds. It nourishes body, soul, and spirit.

Love helps you to be at peace with yourself and be contented with your situation in life.

Love is appealing and even infectious. It will draw others to you.

At the same time, it spurs you to improve yourself and be a blessing to them.

To love others, you need to first learn how to love yourself.

If you cannot love yourself, you cannot love others. It will also be harder for people to love you too.

Without self-love, everything else will not work well in your life.

You are putting yourself on a collision path with life.

What you think of yourself will influence what others will think of you.

How you look after yourself will also shape the way you look after the others.

As you love yourself, you need to also extend your love to others at the same time.

It is part of the same process of having more love in your life.

Love is not just a word but also an action.

It’s not just a noun but more importantly, it's also a verb.

Like nourishment to a beautiful plant, you need to take action and shower love on others.

Do it privately and publicly, and overtly and covertly so that your relationship will continue to grow to become a beautiful and endearing experience.

By loving our Creator, yourself and others; the triadic engines of love, you will enhance your love quotient and make a greater impact on others.

Living a life of love is a way to pay it backward and help fellow travelers forward.

It is also one of the best things you can do for your loved ones.

By being loving, you will inspire them to live out and flourish through the power of love.

As you journey through life, you will come to realize that people who love others are in a better position to be happy.

When you show more compassion, kindness, and generosity, you can also increase your level of happiness and well being.

When you make love an integral part of your life, you will have a greater sense of meaning, excitement,t, and fulfillment.

Love can work miracles on the people and the environment around you.

It is a key ingredient in making the world a better home.

Therefore, love like you have never loved before.

Love like it’s your last chance to love the people in your life.

Historically, we went from an agrarian age to the industrial age.

From the industrial age, we went into the information age.

It’s about time, we move into the Age of Love.

Let’s bring more love to the world.

Let’s start a Revolution of Love!

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